New Features at EventLens!

June 22, 2024


We’re excited to unveil some fantastic new features at EventLens that will enhance your experience in capturing, sharing, and enjoying event moments. Here’s what’s new:

1. Better Image Compression

We've improved our image compression technology to help you store more memories without compromising quality. This means you can upload more photos and videos with the same amount of space, making the most of your storage plan.

2. Dynamic Image Gallery

Introducing the Dynamic Image Gallery! Now, you can view your event photos in a beautiful, organized gallery. This feature allows you to enter full-screen mode and even project the gallery onto a screen for a stunning visual display of your event’s moments.

3. Customizable Event Settings

We’ve added more control to your event management with customizable settings. You can now:

  • Allow Guest Uploads: Let your guests contribute their own photos and videos.

  • Allow Comments and Likes: Enable interactions on the shared photos and videos.

  • Limit Uploads: Set a maximum number of uploads per guest to manage your event’s content better.

We’re thrilled to bring these enhancements to you and can’t wait to see how you use them to make your events even more memorable. Thank you for being a part of the EventLens community!